Harrison Connery
Tenants’ high moving costs propped up the industrial specialist’s figures last quarter.
Amid a new round of promotions, hires and exits, one executive is leaving just months after being promoted to a global co-head role.
By supporting lesser-known managers, the pension plan is thinking and investing differently from many of its industry peers.
The investor is an outlier in an industry increasingly skeptical of emerging managers.
The sales will offset redemption payments for the fund, for which the net asset value is projected to fall 40% over the next three years.
A bitter labor dispute led to calls for the Santa Fe-based sovereign wealth fund to withhold investments from the firm.
Power constraints have become the biggest obstacle in moving forward with developing new assets in the sector.
Certain investors on PERE’s ranking have attributed their shrinking real estate allocations to sales.
The US wealth fund also seeks to increase its non-core allocation, targeting industrial and multifamily.
Deployment strategies formed now to capitalize on a down market risk being too late.