Despite GP-leds' strong lead in 2022, 2023 could be the year LP-leds race ahead.
The SEC’s aim for more standardized GP-led real estate secondaries transactions will step up a gear with the likely introduction of regulations in 2024.
Investors in real estate secondaries are more concerned with ESG matters than ever. But the passive nature of some investments reduces their influence.
The real estate secondaries market is growing considerably as it ages.
A fundamental shift in capital markets is forcing many institutional investors to rethink their portfolios, creating a perfect storm for the resurgence of investor-led secondaries.
The Federal Deposit Investment Corp seized the bank and sold control of it to JPMorgan on May 1.
As price discovery prevails, the €36.5bn total represents the lowest quarterly volume since Q2 2012, according to MSCI Real Assets.
Buyers say competition for deals is heating up amid sharper value declines and prices potentially bottoming out in some sectors.
With liquidity set to tighten further as banks continue to retrench, alternatives lenders are seeing opportunities across the spectrum.
The 'irreplaceable' Westin Paris is now wholly owned by Henderson Park's former joint venture partner, Dubai Holding.