News & Analysis

CAPITAL WATCH 2005-07-01 Staff Writer <strong>FUNDS IN MARKET/COMING TO MARKET</strong><br /> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>FUND</strong></td> <td><strong>FIRM</strong></td>
Private equity real estate firms have long followed the example of their LBO forbears - then they started forming hedge funds.
Everybody get together 2005-07-01 Staff Writer Today, it's not just that everyone's trying to get into real estate. Rather, it would appear that every alternative investment firm, broadly defined, is gradually expanding its mandate to include the activities of every other alternative investment firm, broadly
The Harvard spawned private equity firm took less than six months to raise its latest vehicle, which will focus on middle market and growth capital financings.
The Toronto-based Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Pension has reported a higher-than-expected return on investments for 2004, crediting the boost to private market investments.
The New York-based distressed specialist will target opportunities in an environment marked by a lower default rate.

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